Computer, Data, & Info Sciences

The School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS)

The Intersection of Technology and Humanity Working to Solve Society’s Greatest Challenges

The new 328,000 square foot CDIS building – expected to open in early 2025 – is under development and immediately across Orchard Street from the Discovery Building. Designed to be the most sustainable facility on campus, the building will complete UW-Madison’s tech corridor and be a hub for Wisconsin and the world to advance research at the intersection of technology and humanity.

UW is home to world-renowned centers, institutes and research groups across the spectrum of computer, data and information sciences, including the research computing group at the Morgridge Institute and the data science group at WID – both of which will connect with the new CDIS building.

CDIS brings together the departments of Computer Sciences, Statistics and the Information School to serve the computing, data and information needs of our ever-changing world. By bringing these programs together under one roof, CDIS will magnify the power of discoveries across the university in medicine, engineering, agriculture, business and more.

Funded entirely through private resources, the $225M building project was announced in 2021 with a commitment of $125 million from Tashia and John Morgridge and $50 million from WARF.

Mural Images Representing Computer, Data & Information Sciences

Thelma Estrin

Thelma Estrin, Phd '51, was an early pioneer of the field of medical informatics — the now commonplace practice of applying computers to medical research and treatment. She also was a trailblazer for women hoping to pursue careers in the sciences.

Thelma Estrin